Monday, April 16, 2007

Atheism vs. the world

Atheists under attack on Paula Zahn prompted one atheist to strike back in defense: check it out here:

Another atheist defends his beliefs here: in a blog post entitled The Atheists Wager.  He or She sites a list of times in history when religion has fueled atrocities by separating humanity into tribes and blames religion for these atrocities.  I would argue that due to humanity's tribal nature, it is not the religions that are too blame but humanity itself.  Unfortunately it is much easier to stand behind manifest destiny than to own up to your own actions.  Many people have claimed lives in the name of religion, but many people have also done many great things in its name as well.  How about something called the: Renaissance .  

Another point in the blog posting which is one that is common amongs atheists is that the nonbelief in an afterlife is used as the rejection point for religion.  Is it not possible to be religious as a way of improving the world around us now? Is all of religion designed to improve ones afterlife? I would hope not.

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