Saturday, May 09, 2009

Get a world view

I've been googling grandiose questions lately... things like "meaning of life" and "world view" thinking google might by chance spit back an answer like in The Hitchhikers Guide:

Unfortunately, that hasn't happened yet... But I did stumble accross this interesting little gem of an article that enlightened me to Belgian philosopher Leo Apostel and his short book entitled "World views, from fragmentation to integration"

In it, the authors make an attempt to initiate an

international forum that may generate a multiplicity of
provisional and evolving world views, allowing ultimately the continuation of growth and
the synthesis of fact and value, of explanation and meaning to be realized.

Within the scientific world, large-scale movements tending towards unification seem powerless
confronted with the information explosion of research and historicism in the philosophy of
science. Outside of science, we notice also that both religious and secular ideologies claiming
to energize mass movements have collapsed

I like the idea that we can collect various systems of thought to help assemble our world view.  With the emergence of sites like, and I feal that we are moving towards a greater intermixing of our ideas but the mass of information currently available can also feal overwhelming. 

Here is the Principia Cybernetica Project attempt at a wolrd view ... what's yours?

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