Monday, November 06, 2006

Richard Dawkins, Atheism vs. Creationism and South Park

South Park, Go God Go!

This South Park Episode is a great example of what I love about South Park. I just finished reading an article in Wired Magazine

about Richard Dawkins and the new Atheists and next thing I know the South Park guys are making fun of him and the whole Atheists vs. Creationists debate. My favorite line in the episode is when Mrs. Garrison changes his view on G-d and says that Richard Dawkins taught him that "evolution explains everything" .."there's no mystery to life!"

Mr. Dawkins is a smart man, but he seems more concerned with shifting the onus of proving G-d's existence on believers in G-d than on trying to make progress in understanding our world. Through science, religion, meditation, yoga, professional sports, music, art, comedy, sex, we may begin to understand more of the world around us. Why limit our means to exploration to only one form of learning. Anyway, that's at least what I think,.. but alas, I don't have a movement... just a blog... .Thanks google!

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